Ferrite Core 9

Noise Filter
Unit SKU
4 pieces 45004
28 pieces 45054


Ferrite Core 9

VIABLUE™ ferrite cores 9 are used to replace existing cores of ferrit filter 9.

VIABLUE™ ferrite filters suppress the amount of high frequency electromagnetic interference (EMI) noise found in electronic circuits.

Available sizes

  • Ferrite filter 9 for cables Ø 6.0 – 9.0 mm
  • Ferrite filter 11 for cables Ø 9.1 – 10.0 mm
  • Ferrite filter 14 for cables Ø 10.1 – 14.0 mm
  • Ferrite filter 16 for cables Ø 14.1 – 15.5 mm
  • Ferrite filter 18 for cables Ø 15.6 – 17.5 mm
  • Ferrite core 9 for cables Ø 6.0 – 9.0 mm

Assembly instructions:

VIABLUE™ ferrite cores are slid on the cables and fixed with electrical tape or heat shrinks.

VIABLUE™ Ferrite

is a ceramic material of iron oxide and additional metallic elements. All are electrically non-conductive, meaning that they are very good insulators.


VIABLUE™ Ferrite filters synoptic table
Length Shell Ø Input Output Cable Model
Ferrite filter 9 40,0 mm 20,0 mm 9,5 mm 9,0 mm NF-S1 Silver
Ferrite filter 11 40,0 mm 20,0 mm 10,5 mm 10,0 mm S-920 Silver
Ferrite filter 14 40,0 mm 24,0 mm 14,5 mm 14,0 mm X-25 Silver
Ferrite filter 16 42,5 mm 26,0 mm 16,0 mm 15,5 mm X-40 Silver
Ferrite filter 18 44,5 mm 29,5 mm 18,5 mm 17,5 mm X-60 Silver
Ferrite core 9 28,0 mm 16,0 mm 9,5 mm 9,5 mm NF-A7

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